
Eis maine
Eis maine

Personal attacks, trolling attempts, and other low effort posts will be removed immediately without warning. However, avoid posting simply to berate or belittle use facts and reason to explain your issues so that others can make their own judgement. Positive or negative, any honest discussion is welcome.As of 2020, in addition to medical retailers now requiring a paper/printed/hard copy of one's medical card (as opposed to a temporary or virtual copy), one's medical card must be issued from the same state as displayed on their ID.


A full list and additional information can be found here. Visiting the Vacationland with an out-of-state medical card? No problem! Maine has reciprocity for nearly every medically legal state.Licensed caregivers and dispensary operators/representatives interested in verification, please message the modmail for more information. Some reports must be made by phone within 4 hours of the event, as noted in the matrix below. 711) EIS REPORTS TO OCFS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED ELECTRONICALLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, AND MUST BE SUBMITTED NO LATER THAN THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY. Continuous attempts will result in a permanent ban. 711) For clients age 18 and older, report to APS intake: 1-80 (TTY Maine Relay. The general privacy rule is that any information that identifies personal information about a DHHS client is confidential under state and federal laws, and there are only a few limited exceptions to this rule. Any post in violation of this will be removed immediately without warning. Rather, this a place to discuss Maine marijuana products, their cultivators, the legal dispensaries and caregivers that host them, and the encompassing community. This is not a place to purchase, sell, trade, gift, or exchange marijuana products of any kind. Posts that solicit or facilitate trade of cannabis products are not allowed per the reddit content policy.R/MaineTrees is the Reddit home to the Maine marijuana community: catering to medical patients, recreational enthusiasts, caregivers and dispensaries, independent cultivators and extractors, journalists, doctors, lawyers, and anyone else involved with cannabis in the 207.

Eis maine